Thursday, January 19, 2012

Life and the lack of passion in January.

January is such a dull and dreary month. But can I get an Amen to the sun that we've had in Ohio/Pennsylvania so far?
Here is some encouragement my professor shared this morning. He asked, "How many of you thanked God for being able to wake up this morning?". Not one hand raised. (I, myself, was exceptionally cranky and sleepy today.) He went on to tell us about his home in Malawi, and how he was one of very few that had the privelege to get the education that he has now and to have the opportunity to live in America. "I don't know why me," he said. "I knew others who were much smarter than me. But it is only by God's grace."

Let me challenge you with this: remember to thank God for waking up. Not everyone will wake up tomorrow. But you are given another day to live and move and enjoy and learn. So go make the most of it. YOU are so blessed. YOU are given lots of opportunities and blessings. Take advantage of them.

God loves you so much. I hope you remember that when you wake up tomorrrow.

So here is my update. January is a bit of a dreary month, so here's what has been keeping my busy so far:

Successes so far:

1. Flossing record is already better than the last 19 years!
2. The dress is on its way... really excited for that one.
3. One Hundred Push Ups... are killing me. But Leana Phillips and kicking my rear end into shape. And/or my arms and abs.
4. There are currently 4 participants in the pie-eating contest. It is scheduled for sometime this semester.
5. Registration begins on February 3 for Broad Street Run. Until then. we're working out with Jillian Michaels to build up our core and get in shape for running training!
6. Fruits and veggies have been a better part of my diet!*
7. Saved $40 toward paying off that interest for my student loans!
8. I am getting my weekend off campus very soon... like, the end of this month.

Failures so far:

1. I have NOT quit biting my nails. (Seriously, Amy? Seriously?) I need to tell more people to call me out on it. It's so gross.
2. Still have not really gotten on that Bible reading plan. I need to.
3. The bed time routine is almost there... I have to remember to quit working on my computer sooner.

So there you have it, friends. Blessings and love.

*Disclaimer: I binge ate chocolate on tuesday night right before bed. But other than that...


  1. Your successes are an encouragement to me. Oh and you need to add one more: you sent out your letter to send me something! :)

    I'm proud of you. Keep pushing forward. And if you figure out a way to really quit biting your nails, tell me. I've been struggling with that for years. I'm good about it for a long period of time and then something crazy stressful will happen and I destroy them all over again. Go figure. Ah well...

    Thank you for being an encouragement. I hope God blesses us with many more years and that we are smart enough to see the blessings in each day.

    Love you!

  2. amy. i love you. get at those push ups!
